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Friday, July 23, 2010

2010.07.0 When Dine Out, Make it QUICK!!

Hubby and I always love to dine out, either it's trying new place in town, or just visiting our regular favorite places. Now that we have a newborn in our family, we have to time the time precisely before we go out because we have to bring bebe with us all the time...and this is what we do before-during dine out
1. Feed the BIG Boss (bebe) and make him happy, otherwise he will be cranky and fussy
It's either I nurse him or hubby feed him my bm from the bottle-
2. Hubby will pat bebe's back and try to make him burp while I'm getting fast fast!
this is a MUST part, as my baby is the type that spit / puke A LOT!
3. IF he puked -which most likely yes- clean him, change fast fast!
4. I took baby over, hubby getting fast fast!
5. Put bebe on his car seat, and hopefully he already sleep -most likely not-
6. Drive to restaurant, and eat fast fast fast...why??? because bebe need to eat every 2 / 3 hours. and it counted from the time he start eat, not the time he if i nursed him at 1 pm, it means that he'll need again around 3 pm or 4 pm...and when he's hungry, he wants it NOW, pronto! ;p

This time we went to eat dimsum at Chinatown. We don't even bother try to go to our favorite place, Jade garden, since the line is long and we need to eat quick, so we went to this other place that is huge and no waiting is needed. off course the taste is not as good...but sometimes we have to compromise
...hopefully after bebe grow bigger, he will be easier and won't puke that much, because actually the feeding itself is easy, since I'm breastfeeding, i practically can feed him anywhere anytime, the tricky part is the burping part, it always get very messy...and i don't want to gross people out! ;p

on the way...hand in hand, bebe and I :)
at first he still sleeping...
and while we eating...he start to move and looks like he'll be awake soon...! hubby and I speed up and try to finished our
then he start doing kung-fu movement...
not long after that he start crying so loud!! on the way home, he looks so cranky...!!
relaxing on his boppy
guess...what was he doing...??
yes yes...he was cranky!! even that I already nursed him for 20 minutes + hubby give him another 35 cc milk... @__@
after another 50 cc milk...he finally passed out XD~

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