i mean...Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllyyyy NICE!! no more cloudy windy weather
it was all SUNNY, I'm happy!!
and since the weather was warmed up, i feel hot and suffocated,
i have this thing about hot weather
i love it, and can't stand it at the same time, weird huh XD~~
i was desperate for a refreshing shower,
and i know that this is the time for me to finally use my minty soap,
it's my Dr. Bronner's 18-in-1 Pure-Castile Soap in Hemp-Peppermint
i wonder why they gave this soap such a long complicated name...
but from the bottle, i learn that you can basically use this soap for many many purpose
like: shower, shampoo, wash your face, wash the vegetables, wash your pet, your car, and many more!! haha...pretty cool ah ;D
here's the picture from my shower
i had this soap for a few month, but haven't use it at all during the winter,
this soap seriously will give you a cool minty feeling, even if you shower with hot water like i do
i totally love this, but have no guts to use it during the winter haha
2 weeks ago i purchase the sister soap of this minty soap,
it's the Dr. Bronner's 18-in-1 Pure-Castile Soap in Hemp-Almond,
its smells really good!!!
but this one is kinda rare, i found this one at QFC at Broadway,
the more popular version is the lavender one, which i can't stand the smell
note: i never like lavender smell...
yesterday i have this reunion with my minty soap,
after the shower i feel so refresh,
and have this tingling minty feeling all over my skin
I'll definitely going to use this during Spring / Summer
i even planning on take this minty soap with me during my 2 months summer break ;D
that's how i love it!!
I've use is more than 3/4 of the bottle, hubby also love this soap...lol
oh ya,
I have to mention that this soap will give you the squeaky clean type of feeling
it's not the moisturizing / hydrating kind of soap
my favorite way to use this is by pouring them on my wash cloth (yellow)
i found out that it will leather more on my wash cloth rather than my lily mesh (pink)
my bath buddies,
the yellow wash cloth were from Uwajimaya, Japanese store. i think i got it for around 5/6 usd
this one is pretty rough, great for exfoliation
and the pink mesh were from Walmart, for 79 cent!
it works great too!! more to the softer side
i used to purchase all my lily bath from The Body Shop,
then after years, i found out that the cheaper version is works just fine ;D
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