Manh is busy calling people on the background
it was so sunny and nice outside, we gotta take picture!!
me and hubby
my awesome gym buddies couple, Yuka & Ali, i HEART 'em ;D
today we dressed up in new clothes, i just got hubby's shirt yesterday, i love the color ;)
with friends
the Kirin Beer was so good!! it's not crazily bitter, me lovey!
the infamous Kobe Beef, for $12/ounce!!
the presentation was really poor, this is looks like a teriyaki restaurant where you can get the whole meal for $12!! no dressing for the salad, no radish for the kobe...hmp...
with the crew
less people and more sharp pic
more people but kinda blur...haha
the mofo bills... o_O" we got charged like $150 / person, and it's not even worth it,
bad service, I'm telling more!! haha
so my friend ordered 20 piece of kobe steak ahead, but then it was only 16 of us,
and we HAVE to eat them all anyway, we sent one back because it was burned,
and the waitress were arguing with my hubby saying that the steak was OK!
then hubby asked then to flip the steak, then they can see how burned it was!! boohoo
bad service, and they give 'em self $300 something tips!
all the pretty girls ;D
ahaha...Kirin's effect...all blushing! asian glow...asian glow...XD~
We were not satisfied with the food and decide to heading to China Town to get some more!!
here me & Yuka at one of my favorite restaurant at China Town, i never manage to remember their
Seafood Chow Mien!!! oh yeah!! hahaha, the end of the journey today...
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