so, we went to Aberdeen Mall to get some good Dim-Sum,
and while waiting for the table,
I'm walking around at the top floor and find this interesting store
basically, this store sell all kind of model for food,
like those one the restaurant display, pretty cute!!
but i wondering, who's gonna buy this kind of thing??
The Japanese Food Corner
The Chinese Food Corner
Now, it's the real food!!!
the place we eat dim-sum for lunch called Fisherman's Terrace Restaurant,
located on the top floor of the Aberdeen Mall
you can click on this pic to see the menu ;p this is just part of the menu
Steamed Chicken Feet With Gluten
really good and tasty!! it was really tender
Steamed Spareribs & Pumpkin With Black Bean Sauce,
this was awesome, we had 2 order of this!!
Fresh Shrimp Dumpling (i have to eat this every time, that's how much i LOVE this ;D),
Steamed Beef Balls With Chinese Parsley, Beef Tendon With Japanese Seasoning Sauce forget the name lha, so i give you the Indonesian name for this dish!
hubby and Ed like this but i don't really like it,
this dish contain cilantro, the green leaf that i can't stand... ;p
After the fabulous dim-sum, we heading to the food court,
they have Beard Papa's the puff stuffed with cold cream, i really love this,
i love the original flavor & the green tea
they also have this at Seattle, one at Uwajimaya, China Town,
another one at a Korean Supermarket at North area
Trying some fresh juice
hubby act like a tourist with the limited Canadian dollar we got from the money
Mango & Yogurt
This Mall sell lots of Asian Figurine,
Postpet Doll, i used to really love this ;D
Dragon Ball
and other various small figurine
Then i went to Daiso,
the Daiso store at Aberdeen Mall is huge!!
i'll post my haul from Daiso later ;)
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