After hubby and I finished dinner,
my sweet sweet friend Vanessa came to our place,
she just got a new car, congratulation Vannnn ;D
while hubby and Vanessa checking out her new car,
my hubby mention that he saw a new ice cream place that looks good,
he said that when he passed it by, the queue line for the ice cream was so long,
so we decide to try it ;)
it's at Capitol Hill, next to the Century Ballroom
Introducing, Molly Moon!! such a cute cute name!!
and it's home made ice cream!! i love home made food ~
it's blur...but it's hubby and Vanessa waiting on the line
this place was so crowded too
it was a small ice cream shop, there was 3 people who serve the ice cream, 1 cashier and 1 girl who made the waffle cone,
this store have a very casual and warm vibes
she was the one who help me with my ice cream, so cute ;D
the flavors, i got vivace coffee & maple walnut, so gooooooooooddddddddd!!!
some of the store's merchandise, looks like a Boston terrier puppy
we were requesting for the kid's size ice cream,
the normal size one were too gigantic!!!
the cashier & the waffle station
after we finished, the line was still so longggggggg~~
surprise gift from Vanessa,
i love the Tiffany's color ribbon!!
it was Tarte eye palette!!! how pretty!!!!!!
i love the combination of metallic purple quilt and the gold key accent
hubby was asking if it was Vera Wang / Anna Sui...just because it was purple...LOL
and the inside too, so pretty so wearable, thank you Vanessaaaaaaa!!! ;D
totally loving this new palette, but the brush holder was very tricky!!
once i pull out the brush, it's impossible to put it back again, duh! ;p
but the brush are soft & fluffy...niceeee ~

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