Can you believe that he was fell asleep while we were taking picture???!!! LOL
Momo is a sweet sweet puppy, he loves to be embraced, he fells asleep easily while i hug him ;D
He looks sleepy already...
and thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.....ZZZZzzzzzZZZZzzzzzzz.....LOL!!!!
Momo is a sweet sweet puppy, he loves to be embraced, he fells asleep easily while i hug him ;D
He looks sleepy already...
hahahahaha. he's sooo adorable!!!! I wish he was mine =[ I wanted a puppy to start though. hehe. I was never allowed to get a pet besides fish. lol. maybe someday... or when I go back to vietnam and play with the dogs at the house. haha.